Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Off The Bench, Into The Game!

If you've been sitting on the bench, watching others being successful and having fun, then it's time for you to get going.

This is about having fun, then it's about making money, because if you're not enjoying yourself, nothing is going to work, so we've got to find you something that really gets you going...

For me, for the last 20+ years, it's been writing, producing and directing TV commercials, like infomercials, that sell products directly. That's a branch of advertising known as direct response advertising and I love it because it's the fastest way I know of to bring products to the public.

In fact, I've just published my first book on it; "The Infomercial Goldmine, How to Make and Keep, Million in Direct Response TV." It's a pretty good book and I'm quite proud of it...since it's a very straight-forward, step-by-step guide. But, I'm getting ahead of myself.

We're going to start small and build up, so just keep this thought in mind for my next blog:
gargage sales!!
Stay tuned,
Mark O

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